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Long Drive

Drove last week to Columbus, Ohio. About <7 hrs each way. Cruised for long portions at 125km/hr (77 mph) Mileage at 9L/100km (26usmpg) .
Car worked great, handled well, USB audio great. Nice drive.

Issues with 2016 RDX Transmission

Hey everyone, new to the site here. I have a 2016 RDX 2wd advanced package. Since I had the car there has been transmission issues, with rough shifting where it seems to catch on the downshift, and is jumpy on the up shift and will sometimes jump off starts as it feels like initially there is no acceleration on throttle and then it will kick in and lurch. I have had it at the dealer multiple times they have done a transmission flush, software update and they have driven it to see if there are any automatic snapshot capture that register any issues and no dice. The service manager literally says its something different anytime I bring it in. One time he says the transmissions are bad in these cars and the next time he says the torque converters are the issue and other days he says there are no issues. I went in and drove the car with them and had them take data snapshots when I thought I felt something. There was on really bad incident that on the throttle the car lurched during the shift into 3rd. They claimed there was nothing wrong with any of the data when the Acura engineers reviewed it. I'm skeptical if the dealer even sent the data to Acura, but I'm at my wits end here. Has anyone had similar issues and does anyone have any ideas on what I should do next?

A/C Compressor Relay Location?

Does anyone know where the a/c compressor relay is located? I've looked up several diagrams and even called the dealer and not even their diagrams specify what relay is what. I'm literally running my compressor from a separate switch I have to manual operate just for it to work.

Thanks in advance.

Back cabin lights out?

My base '18 model has 7k miles and I actually just tried to turn on the back seat cabin lights a couple days ago, but they don't work. The front cabin lights work fine. Is there a setting I could have messed with that might have disabled those lights? I thought I'd have to be in certain mode for them to work. I tried P, D, even turning car off, but no cigar.

Steering Wheel/Column Creaking

Picked up a 19 RDX AWD Tech a couple of months ago. From the very start, there has been a "creaking" sound coming from the steering wheel/column. It sounds like the plastic is rubbing up against each other and happens randomly (hot or cold) and consistently during drives. Anyone else experience this?

TV: Watchmen

Best first mods for the 3rd gen TL?

I recently became an owner of one of these cars because I had a bad wreck in my mustang (no-one except me was injured, I just hydroplaned into a damn field) and I needed to buy a cheap commuter car. Coming from the muscle car/truck/'murican horsepower side of the car person spectrum, I was surprised to see such a large community comprising of these cars and their drivers. My question is, what would be the first 4 things you would do to y'alls TLs? I was thinking

- window tint
- the obligatory amplifier fix
- lowering springs
- wheels and tires

Only reason why (for me personally) I didn't put any power gaining mods is because i want to learn how to drive this car well before I add any performance booster. I've never had a Front Wheel Drive car, so the way the car feels and handles is very...foreign :/ Y'all tell me what y'all think, thanks!

DC Sports HHC5528 3 - 1 Ceramic Headers

If you live in the GTA (Toronto) I'm Selling Band New in box DC Sports Headers for the 2nd Gen TL or CL Type-S.
Amazing performance upgrade and best price available for the Canadian Market.
This is a LOCAL SALE ONLY to keep cost low so if you live in Toronto and are interested let me know!

Missing door hinges lubricant ?

Not sure if its only my ride but I am not seeing any door hinges lubricated. Is it by design or they simply missed it?

Buying a Used 2015 TLX Tech SH-AWD

I'm looking to buy my first car and I'm currently looking at a 2015 TLX Tech SH-AWD, but I've heard of many issues with the transmission, ATF warmer, vibrations, and others. What are the chances that the car I purchase will have one? I plan on doing a test drive but I feel like the transmission issues might not show and I'm wondering how the long-term reliability is on this car. Even if the car does have some problems is it still as expensive as a german luxury car?

Need help identifying a cable part

Hi Friends,

I have a 2005 Acura RL and I attempted to install a GROM unit to add Bluetooth streaming. When I pulled the unit out it seemed like the previous owners have pulled this unit out way too many times before and the AM/FM grey plug broke off on the two of the three wires with the shielding. Can you help me find a part number for the cable? I looked at the part sites and can't tell what part. Please help me get my old AM/FM back!

Thank you,



So i am the original owner of my 2007 acura tl type s with 80,000 mile. MANUEL TRANNY. A couple years back there was a recall cause 3rd gear would sometimes pop out. so acura dealer fixed it and everything was good. recently got timimg belt, water pump, and oil pump replace cause i plan on running this thing to 200k miles. SO, i recently noticed oil leaking from underneath the car. i thought it was the oil pan, and it was not sealed correctly. i bought it to my mechanic, and he gave me bad news. my transmission is leaking oil. Has anyone had a problem like this? if so what was their plan of action? Once again this is a manuel transmission, any advise would be of great help!


2004 Acura TL noise in reverse

My car keeps on making these weird knocking noises when in reverse. Also, these same knocking noises occur when I go over bumps on the road. Here's the video that I recorded https://streamable.com/6knrn
Could this be a bad engine mount?

Bad MPG after fuel pump software update

Hey fellas,

Is it just me or anyone else getting bad mpg after the recall software update for the 2018/19 TLXs?

Im by no means a hyper-miler, and used to get 16/17 city, but now I can barely get 13mpg, and on eco mode!

Just wondering if anyone else is having a simililar issue.

Lowering Springs

I seen old threads about the RSR Down Springs and wanted to know if anybody got a opinion on them after having the installed for a while about how they settle and tire wear thanks

2004 TL Restore / Repaint

So a little history, I got the car a couple years ago. I paid $900 for it. When I first got it, I did a water pump / timing belt kit right away (car ran good but owner had no records or knowledge of when it was last done). I also took care of a few other small mechanical issues, brakes, a single control arm, hood struts, and a window regulator for the passenger side door.

Anyway here are a few before and after pictures. I'll post a link to the imgur galleries if anyone wants to see all the in-between stuff.










Will 245 45 19 tires work/look good on stock suspension?

Hi, I picked up a set of 19x8 grey Maxima Sport rims to put on my 2nd gen TSX. I am on stock suspension and do not plan on lowering anytime soon. Would 245 45 19 tires rub and if not, will they look good? I like the wide tires and want good protection from potholes as I drive over a lot of poorly maintained roads. Would I be better off going with 245 40 19 tires? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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LED high beams upgrade

I know there are threads about LED high beams but i thought i would give people another option besides the IJDMtoy ones. The Hikari LED's on Amazon are amazing and are functional 100× better than the halogens. I didnt buy the resistor and i have no codes or flickering i recommend them to anyone looking get good quality LED's that are an improvement not only aesthetically but also improve functionality.



2005 Acura TL 6spd brembo brakes infrint

]At the moment, I’m running TEIN Flex Z Coilovers Honda Accord & Acura TL (2003-2007) VSA80-CUSS3 at stock lowering height, I want to get a set of Konig Ampliforms, I was thinking about running a 18x9.5 +35/25. Would this work for a great flush or should I get a different width. Do I need a different offset to clear the brembo brake calipers? Would I need to do a staggered set up for a natural flush or run spacers or would I need to run a different width on front/back for the flush? I want to order these ASAP. Eventually after getting them I would want to lower the car about another half an inch to a full inch. This is my first time messing with tires and I want to try to get it perfect.

Brake pads 2007 tl type s help

I have a 2007 type s, I can no longer get axxis/pbr ultimate replacement pads any recommendations what is everyone else running on their cars. Looking for good cold bite like the axis and high temp fade resistance
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