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An annoying buzz coming from one of the rear speakers

Even when the audio system is off. Getting annoying when I just want quiet. Is My Power Amp Ready for Capacitor Replacement, or do I have a speaker going bad?

This enquiring mind wants to know!

96-04 Acura RL Service manual

Anybody have this manual? The links are dead. I need to view hose routing diagram.

NBP Type S 6 Speed Manual

Rdx 2007 turbo size

Does anyone know the size of the stock turbo on the rdx?
I’m buying a 2007 rdx with 104 000km (don’t know in miles) soon and consider to change the turbo in the near future.

My project for the future is to go with a custom downpipe, exhaust, with an external wastegate, dual port bov, intake, a soft tune and more.


Rear Brake replacement

I kept on hearing squealing coming from my brakes and decided to investigate it.

Yep frozen rear right caliper. I couldn't even get it to move with a couple channel-locks and a piece of flatbar. Easy solution. I order new brake calipers from RockAuto.com. (https://www.rockauto.com/en/moreinfo...429130&jsn=355). And the Powerstop rotor and pad kit. (https://www.rockauto.com/en/moreinfo...429130&jsn=426). My right rear brake rotor was glazed like a Krispy Kreme donut. Finally, a break from class and work, and I start on the left rear rotor.

$180 for an skf hub and bearing assembly and shop time to put it on. (Don't have the tools or confidence to do it myself).
Two days later...

Look at the superb glaze!
Rotor was rusted to the hub. Just keeps on with the tomf*ckery. Two M8 bolts run on with my impact breaks the rotor free. Cleaned up the hub with some blaster and a toothbrush. New rotors on and New caliper on.

These coated calipers required me to run the bolts through the threaded bits to take the coating off before I installed it. Didn't want to play nice when I tried to mount it. Bled the brakes with the help of my friend. An hour and 15 minutes later, everything installed, brake pads are broken in, and the rotors look way better on the car.

Looks way better! Ignore the dirtiness of the car. Pollen is still frosting everything so I'm waiting to clean my car. After I drove it, there was a significant increase in braking power. Surprised me how much quality rotors and pads make a difference.

The difference between the old ceramic brake pads. I had been riding on this for quite sometime apparently. ~$350 later I've learned an expensive lesson: check your bits

Car rolls back when shifting to Park?

Sometimes when I reverse in to a parking spot and then shift to park and let go of the brake, the car rolls back quite drastically.

I am starting to get in to the habit of e brake first and then Park but wondering if anyone else's car does this.

2007 RDX, rattle issue

I couldn't find an existing thread about this, and I just joined this forum. I've had my 07 for 4 years. It had 70k miles when I got it but now has 130k.
When I go over bumps, there's a rattle noise from the suspension. I just changed the tie rod ends and control arm bushings, and ball joints seem fine. Do you think it's the sway bar links?

2000 Acura RL HID installation

Im having trouble installing a HID kit I got from DDM Tuning. I was told i had to splice some wiring but I'm not sure what wiring to cut

Sounds from the abyss

Took a video of what I believe to be valve clatter, recent timing service done. I heard this before the TB service was done but its alot clearer now that I have a new tensioner. 192k miles 08 type S, I've owned the car for about 1k miles so far and I'm working towards getting it restored.


Any input would be great I'm planning on doing a valve adjustment in 1 week once my valve cover gaskets get here.

Led daytime running lights

If I change the factory bulbs to led in the daytime running lights/High beams will it say an error and/or is their a brand that is plug and play

Acuralink update

received an update to Acuralink this week.

App warned me today that every system in the vehicle had failed. Interesting, since I never started it today. I hope it starts tomorrow !

What badge is this?

My apologies if this is posted in the wrong board but does anyone know what vehicle this badge belongs to? I’ve searched all over and I cannot even find a pic of one on any Acura.

Changing instrument & climate control button lights to LED

Can you please advise on what type of aftermarket LED lights can be replaced in instrument panel and climate control buttons

Bluetooth shows only calling number

Hi to all.

I have a Acura TSX 2.4 2009 Navi EX, on my dashboard when someone calls me I see only the phone number, is there an option to see the name for that number?

I couldn't find any info on web or manual.


Car goes into limp mode when taking left and right turns

I own a 2015 Acura TLX V6 and every time I make a left or right turn, the car completely loses power and once I straighten out the wheel, it lurches forward and regains power.

Shocks for stock ride height

I'm not looking to lower, too many potholes around for it to be worth it. Trying to figure out the best options. I want something that will last me a decent amount of time and not have to swap 2-3 years from now. I'm kind of overwhelmed with the choices. I know that Koni Yellows are the gold standard, but it seems like if I'm keeping stock ride height they'd kind of be a waste of money. Acura OEM also looks like it's about the same price as the Koni Yellows, so I guess if other aftermarket shocks are crap then splurging on the yellows might be worth it?

Looking on RockAuto I see a ton of choices... KYB Excel G? KYB AGX? Gabriel Ultra? Tokigo Blue? Koni STR.T? Something else? The Gabriel Ultras seem nice because they come with springs preinstalled. If I'm going for stock ride height, could I pull the springs off my existing struts or would they be too worn at this point?

Also, any recommended places to buy from? I saw some people recommending AutoAnything when they have a coupon going on.

Any advice would be appreciated!

CD Player Removal

My cd player has a cd stuck in it and it's make alot of noise. So I need to remove the cd player and take out the Jammed cd. I've Searched AcuraZine And The Internet with no luck. anyone have a DIY description on how to do this?

Power steering rebuild time.

I used the diy in the garage section to get the part numbers. One of the parts has increased 10x making the parts come out to roughly $40 shipping included from oemacuraparts.
Napa has the same gasket kit for $20 albeit not Honda parts. https://www.napaonline.com/en/p/PSK73786
Would you guys trust the Napa gaskets? Having worked at a body shop years ago, Napa was a trusted supplier.

ps. I wish there was a delete post option.

**TIME SENSITIVE**Desperately Need Help to diagnose Transmission issue with 2004 TSX.

So I know there’s a few posts on this subject but my symptoms are a little different. So first of all my car has just under 249,000 miles on it and my transmission is slipping in 1st and 2nd gear. For a little while now When my car went from 1st to 2nd gear it had a bit of a jolt. Then a couple days ago it started to slip and now I have a whine off and on and it is slipping like crazy when it’s whining. I can shift manually OK and if I start in second gear I seem to be fine. I have no CEL’s on But I hooked my code reader up to it And I have a temporary code of P0741. Here’s the kicker, I have to have this repaired and ready to drive 2000 miles on Friday. I can’t seem to find any parts that are called a torque converter clutch solenoid? Is that the right term? What are the chances that it’s something other than my transmission? My flu is clean and within the marks on the dipstick, I don’t have a sense of smell so I can’t tell whether it’s burnt or not but it definitely does not look like it. Please help guys. If I have to buy a used transmission and install it I need to get it today or tomorrow at the latest. Thanks in advance!

The Dom

'14 TL SH-AWD - oil consumption + extended warrranty

I've been searching for a large thread on this but haven't found one. It seems like someone should have already posted about this. If so, please point me to it.

I received a letter from Acura stating my powertrain warranty was going to be extended to 8 yrs/125k miles due to "oil control rings (that) may become clogged with carbon deposits."

"If you're experience any excessive engine oil consumption...Acura will do an engine oil consumption test..."

Is there a larger thread on this that I'm missing?

I'd like to know if the oil consumption test is now standardized to a specific amount. Acura corporate wouldn't give me a threshold for how much oil it needs to lose in 1k miles, and the dealer won't tell me until I take the oil consumption test.

It's currently losing about 3 quarts per oil change going by the maintenance minder...
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