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Codorus State Park: Live-streaming Bald Eagle Cam

Pretty cool. Bald Eagles on the nest in PA>>> Live Bald Eagle Nest Cam | HDOnTap.com |

or here: http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt?open=514&objID=1592549&mode=2


HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) – The Pennsylvania Game Commission has launched a new live stream from a bald eagle nest at Codorus State Park in York County. Game Commission Executive Director R. Matthew Hough said the eagle camera went live Wednesday, hopefully in time for viewers to see the laying of the nesting pair’s first egg. He said the eagles have added a lot of new material to the nest and appear to be getting ready to lay an egg.

“There are never any guarantees in nature,” Hough said in a news release. “And when it comes to a project like this, you keep your fingers crossed and hope that in the coming days, weeks and months you’re fortunate enough to witness an eaglet make the transition from a simple egg to a bird strong enough to fly from the nest.

The Game Commission’s eagle camera was launched as a pilot program last year from a nest near Pittsburgh. Hough said 2014 live stream attracted more than 3 million viewers worldwide. The new camera was moved to Codorus, captures high-definition video, and is hard-wired to a power source to avoid power losses due to the lack of a solar charge.

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