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DIY: External Wideband to ECU

Alright, I'm doing this for Utah (our first turbo Cu2 in North America). Enjoy!

From your Wideband Controller you should have an Analog Output, on my particular controller (UEGO, the one that came with my Prosport Evo Wideband Gauge) it came with a wire harness for analog out. In the wire bundle I had a green, brown, and black wire. Green= narrow band (we won't be touching this wire) Brown= Wideband, and Black=ground.

Check your wiring diagram for which wires you will need. Your wideband wire will be going to your ECU (pin # A24). And your Ground wire will obviously be grounded somewhere on your vehicle.

My gauges are located in the center pocket area of my dash

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So the most convenient place to route my wires back into the engine bay is located beneath the passenger side footwell carpet. You will see the sunroof drain tube and a convenient place to cut a hole and run your wires.

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Click the image to open in full size.

Now you run your analog out wire through this hole and it will look something like this...

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I bought some 18 gauge wire (doesn't necessarily have to be 18) and extended my ground wire and added a 1/4" ring terminal to the end. I grounded on the passenger side near the washing fluid. There is already a ground at this location

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Click the image to open in full size.

Extend your Wideband wire the length needed to reach "ECM/PCM" This is your ECU unit located in your engine bay right next to your Air Intake Box.

I found it easier to detach my intake tube and remove the top cover of the intake box to reach the correct ECU Connector. The one you want to detach is last one, the hardest one to reach, and the closest to the ground when viewing from up top. This is ECU connector A. When you take it out and look at where you have disconnected you will see a "square embossed" on the ECU side, this denotes connector A.

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I do not have pictures of the front, but the color of the plastic ECU connectors will be WHITE!!! This also denotes you have the correct terminal. The pinout is shown below. You want to use ECU pin #A24. This is ELD (Electrical Load Detector) From the back the wire will be Blue and Black. It's also next to empty slot, and then a red and yellow wire. Easy to Find.

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Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Next, use Hondata's help guide to remove the pin ( honestly it's pretty difficult) and if you can get your hands on a new pin, it would be even better)

Hondata's Guide to remove/install ECU pins

It'll look something like this when you get it out. Not very clear, but you understand.

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I couldn't detach the wire from the base of the pin completely so I ended up cutting it slightly to remove it. I then stripped a small section of the wideband input I had extended to the ECU location and crimped my wire into place ensuring i had good contact with the entire metallic base of the pin (the white part, not the brass) It looked like this when I finished. Sorry for the focus, stupid iphone.

Click the image to open in full size.

Then insert the pin and push the white plastic surround back into place to lock the pins (this is mentioned in the hondata help link. Reinstall anything that you have previously taken off.

I recommend that you thoroughly check that your connections are secure and water tight. Use heat shrink and try to ensure that your wires are mounted in a manner that if water does get on them that the water would run down to section that IS NOT where you have extended the wire. GOOD LUCK.

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