My 2005 Acura TL ac stopped blowing cold air. I noticed the clutch was not engaging at all and went through the steps of shorting pins 1 and 2 for the relay and was not able to get it to engage. I was able to get a ohm reading and it is open. No resistance. So I attempted to replace the pulley and coil but doing so when the pulley came off the end of the shaft where the C clip ring snaps on, broke off when the pulley came off. Now I have to replace the compressor. I bypassed the compressor with a shorter belt to get running and I am going to take it in to have them remove the Freon. Does anyone have any recommendations on where to order a compressor with the oil and o-rings for high and low side? Also does anyone know how many ounces of oil I need to put in the compressor before installing it? Thanks for your time.