The west coast is known for its very steep & high altitude mountainous ranges, winding/slalom like coasts, and hot desserts! Stress tested the car through the whole slew of things... and the car just took everything we threw at it with no problems! No overheating issues, surprisingly no CarPlay issues. Feel free to ask any questions!
Path: Seattle -> Portland -> San Francisco -> Big Sur -> LA -> Las Vegas -> Death Valley -> Yosemite -> Portland -> Seattle.
Things to note:
Through the mountain passes it had no issues. Previous cars would struggle and rev high to get through the mountains. No problems... I think I stayed below 4k rpm.
110+ degree heat in Death Valley. No issues with AC or engine even getting close to overheating. The temperature meter stayed around 2/5 of the way up the entire time.
Thank god for remote start through the app. Saved our buns from burning on the hot days.
Super responsive when driving with intense altitude changes. It was FUN!
Car survived the Earthquake when we were in Yosemite!