Another quirk that has had me chasing it for a good while.
When it is real hot like 92+ you can get in and drive somewhere. A/C is fine. Get out, go in store, get back in and it just blows hot air. Works great any other time.
I thought it was a lot of possible things over time. But turns out it is just when it gets over 91 degrees out.
Also thought a lot of possible things got it back going over time. But turns out that it's just turning it all off, driving up the road like a mile, hit the button and it works again.
Anyone want to take a shot at what is causing this??? LOL
I have a theory that is being tested right now. Probably wrong, but hey I will find out.
When it is real hot like 92+ you can get in and drive somewhere. A/C is fine. Get out, go in store, get back in and it just blows hot air. Works great any other time.
I thought it was a lot of possible things over time. But turns out it is just when it gets over 91 degrees out.
Also thought a lot of possible things got it back going over time. But turns out that it's just turning it all off, driving up the road like a mile, hit the button and it works again.
Anyone want to take a shot at what is causing this??? LOL
I have a theory that is being tested right now. Probably wrong, but hey I will find out.