My 05 TSX has been in limp mode for like 2 wks and has a code U0107 which means no communication with TAC module. I've been doing tons of research on this topic and learned that the prob could be as simple as a broken or corroded wire. I've searched and searched for a wiring diagram relating to the drive by wire system but can't find it online. The only wiring diagrams I can find are related with the audio system & even those I believe were for an RSX. If someone could post images of the wiring diagram or have any info you think might be helpful I'd be extremely grateful!! I don't have the $ to pay a mechanic to fix this so I'm on my own here.
Oh & another thing..unrelated but still VERY important...if you've ever had issues with pwr steering on your 1st or 2nd gen TSX PLZ PLZ PLZ go to this site & report it bc I've noticed this seems to be extremely common on this vehicle (esp 1st gen), most requiring rack & pinion/pwr steering pump replacements & if enough of us speak up we can def get Acura to make a recall...AS IN YOU'D GET YOUR MONEY BACK FOR HAVING IT REPLACED!! Even if you were under warranty PLEASE still fill out the form so Acura will be forced to turn it into a recall!! And yes I am
You will need your VIN but the form takes less than 5 mins to fill out.
Lastly, I plan on adding another post at some point begging everyone to file a complaint (if you've had probs with pwr steering) but added it to this post bc possibly some of you who read this won't view that post & I want to get to as many ppl as poss.
Oh & another thing..unrelated but still VERY important...if you've ever had issues with pwr steering on your 1st or 2nd gen TSX PLZ PLZ PLZ go to this site & report it bc I've noticed this seems to be extremely common on this vehicle (esp 1st gen), most requiring rack & pinion/pwr steering pump replacements & if enough of us speak up we can def get Acura to make a recall...AS IN YOU'D GET YOUR MONEY BACK FOR HAVING IT REPLACED!! Even if you were under warranty PLEASE still fill out the form so Acura will be forced to turn it into a recall!! And yes I am
You will need your VIN but the form takes less than 5 mins to fill out.
Lastly, I plan on adding another post at some point begging everyone to file a complaint (if you've had probs with pwr steering) but added it to this post bc possibly some of you who read this won't view that post & I want to get to as many ppl as poss.