Hi folks I finished my neighbor 2007 MDX T-Belt job aka "105K service"? thing is... He had pushed it to 230K / 12 years!!!!!!!!!!!
-T-Belt showed no signs of cracks at all (This is in Dry So-Cal weather mind you). It was pretty pliable and the teeth were healthy, The Honda logo was no more but the belt number was still readable.
-Idler and Tensioner bearings had play on them nothing serious but they were a little bit loose.
-Hydro tensioner had oil on the shaft and seal but it was still holding pressure like new I could not push the shaft in even with all my weight over it.
-Water pump bearing had no play on it but it didnt turn over smoothly, Like it was binding? dunno but it wasnt leaking at least.
All in all it took me 5 hours, Installed an AISIN Kit TKH-002 with a Brand new Honda OEM T-Belt instead of the Mitsuboshi in the kit, (Highly recommended to go OEM instead of the belt in the Kit).