About three to four months ago I purchased this 2001 Acura CL type S 3.2 VTech. The car does have AC. heat. power steering, all work. Is OBD2. Car ran very well for that time. after a while I started knowing noticing the engine was screaming at me. so as soon as that started happening, i opened up the oil input and put my finger in their to touch Cam and a valve. I immediately noticed it was very dry and my dipstick was also reading a third higher than it should be after a fresh oil change. Came to the conclusion that the oil pump was failing and I had to change it myself. I didnt have a job at the moment so I had to do it myself. couldn't afford a $500 of labor for a mechanic and the 200 oil pump. now I'll go ahead and say that I'm a fairly decent mechanic good with my hands. but I will not say that I am ASE qualified by long shot did take auto mechanics in high school. only reason I didn't get certified is cuz I got kicked out of school my senior year. That being said I took on the job myself with a Little help from my brother-in-law and my uncle and after 5 days of frustration and beating up my hands i got it. in time I might add. (Pretty proud that I got it in time the first time considering it was my first time ever timing a vehicle. Especially dual overhead cams) i took it to an ase-certified mechanic that I know very well. Does All the cars for the women in my family. After up good letting it heat up and run under full pressure. he said that I did a very good job and it sounded very well and from there I proceeded to install a performance chip for the OBD2. With my mechanic right there and get you to verify that 3.2 VTEC engine is more than capable of handling this performance chip of 30% horsepower and 25% torque increase. I did that job on a Friday. Ran it for the weekend Sunday morning about 5 to 7 miles away from the house threw a rod into the street. So any advice constructive criticism is welcome. Just trying to get and idea of what went wrong.