I like to check my fluid levels a few times a week to see how the car is functioning. I was told there was a oil gasket leak when I first got the car. I noticed its levels would range throughout the week from reaching the 2nd circle, to not reaching it at all. I got the oil gasket fixed about a month ago and all seemed well - the new oil shows a transparent, light golden color, but now I just checked it and it is not reaching the minimum level again. How could this occur less than a month after the oil gasket leak getting fixed? The color and transparency (due to its recent change) is still the same, and I like to listen to how the car drives with no music playing and I have not heard any unusual sounds come from the engine. Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a chance the shop did a bad job fixing the leak? What else should I be out on the look for?
Thank you for reading.
I like to check my fluid levels a few times a week to see how the car is functioning. I was told there was a oil gasket leak when I first got the car. I noticed its levels would range throughout the week from reaching the 2nd circle, to not reaching it at all. I got the oil gasket fixed about a month ago and all seemed well - the new oil shows a transparent, light golden color, but now I just checked it and it is not reaching the minimum level again. How could this occur less than a month after the oil gasket leak getting fixed? The color and transparency (due to its recent change) is still the same, and I like to listen to how the car drives with no music playing and I have not heard any unusual sounds come from the engine. Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a chance the shop did a bad job fixing the leak? What else should I be out on the look for?
Thank you for reading.