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2011 TL SH-AWD Alternator Replacement Tips

I used the following videos as guides to replace my alternator.

I purchased an OEM remanufactured alternator. Was about $210. Thought about rebuilding my old one, as something fun to so, but... We'll see. I've got some time to return my "core".

Needed 10mm,12mm,14mm sockets. Deep/standard sockets, and some extensions. Tool for tensioner.

For rotating the tensioner, I used the tool loaner program from autozone. $30 and I can return it or keep it. Very handy.

A lot of videos show the tensioner being held back by using the belt tied to the wrench and a location on the car.
Please don't do that! Use the method shown in the second video, with the Allen wrench inside the hole.
You are just begging for broken or severed fingers if the socket falls off the pulley and your fingers are in that area.

Alternator bolts: For the lower bolt, you'll start with a longer socket. Before you box yourself in, switch to a regular socket... Otherwise you'll find the ratchet against metal and you can't do anything. You would have to reverse and put the bolt back in some to remove your tool. I didn't quite get that far, but just a heads up. Upper bolts, pretty simple. Remove both.

Service manual I looked at (2010) and some guides call for removing the fan. I planned on this method until one of the bolts on the TOP broke. Even after lubing it up. I wasn't going to chance the bottom bolts breaking, so the fan stayed in there. Definitely would have been way easier to complete the task if the fan came out.

The video shows them bending the AC hose out of the way. I wasn't about to break something, so it stayed unbent. Bend at your own risk.

I opted to disconnect and remove the ECU. Two bolts and a retaining clip for tube. Three connectors. This allows you to pull the alternator out from the side without bending the AC line, or removing the fan.

The zip tie (purple) was a pain. Lift on the tab and wiggle the wire until it is free. You can push on the end if you want, but keep that tab lifted. Other connections were easy.

A lot of pulling and rocking helped in the removal.

I'll add if I remember any other points of interest. I'd post pictures, but the videos do a decent job.

Hope this helps someone.

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