This has happened a handful of times when the car sits in idle mode for 5 to 1o minutes a light horn / siren sound can be heard coming from inside the cabin. Just wondering if this issue has happed to anyone else.
- April 28- sat in Dallas, TX traffic in drive mode while foot on the brakes, car made light horn / siren sound. Sound came from front passenger side
- April 29- parked the car then I could hear the light horn / siren noise as we walked away.
- May 17 (2PM)- sat in driveway while in in drive mode and my foot on the brake for about 5 minutes, car made light horn / siren sound can be heard inside car. Auto idle off. Sound came from front passenger side.
- May 17 (6PM)- the car was idling in park mode with car on for 10 minutes, light horn / siren sound can be heard from inside the car. Auto idle off. Sound came from front passenger side.