Started driving my car and all warning lights came on. Exhaust System, All Wheel Drive, ACC,
. All lit up. I was in 'limp mode'
Took it to the dealer and left it there. Report below....
Performed Health Check, PGM-FI Code P061B
Trouble-shooted, Cleared Codes, Idle & CKP Learn.
Road test According to Freeze Data
Battery Reset
Code did not return
Checked PCM, No Faults
Called TechLine
They know this is happening to owners and mentioned that my data was sent to the 'database'.
Car has 11,500km (7k miles)
Took it to the dealer and left it there. Report below....
Performed Health Check, PGM-FI Code P061B
Trouble-shooted, Cleared Codes, Idle & CKP Learn.
Road test According to Freeze Data
Battery Reset
Code did not return
Checked PCM, No Faults
Called TechLine
They know this is happening to owners and mentioned that my data was sent to the 'database'.
Car has 11,500km (7k miles)